IOS Chennai Chapter’s Book Review Meet

IOS Chennai Chapter’s Book Review Meet
Chennai: IOS Chennai Chapter organised a “Book Review Meet” on Saturday, 11 June 2022 at 5.00 pm at Darul Ihsan, the office of IOS Chennai Chapter.
Shaikh Tariq Huq Madani, a young scholar who is presently working as Asst. Professor at Preston International College, Chennai, reviewed the book “On Being a Muslim: Finding a religious path in the world today” written by Farid Esack, a South African Muslim scholar, writer, and political activist.

The meeting was presided over by Ibnu Soud Shahabdeen, member of IOS Chennai Chapter. It commenced with the recitation of verses of the Qur’an. Mohamed Haneef Katib, Coordinator of the IOS Chennai Chapter, briefly introduced the Institute of Objective Studies’ and spoke of its achievements over the years. A profile of IOS was also distributed among the audience. He informed the audience that the activities of the Chennai Chapter were being resumed after a long hiatus and henceforth reviews of books published by IOS by prominent academicians will be a constant feature of the activities of the Chennai chapter. He, later, introduced the speaker Shaikh Tariq Huq Madani and invited him to review the book.
Introducing the author of the book, the speaker went on to review the contents of each chapter. He brought out the salient points of the books, at times differing from the views presented in the book. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks from Advocate Munirudeen Shariff.
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