
“Climate change is affecting almost every aspect of human life. At times reports on the issue read like a horror story. The situation calls for action with great urgency,” observes DR MOHAMMAD MANZOOR ALAM

I’m reading a report on climate change and farming in the context of China in The Economist (‘A growing problem’, July 15th 2023). The report turns the spotlight on massive floods and scorching heat in the country and the toll they are taking on the farmers besides affecting food supplies. It seems the situation will get worse in future.

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Rivers are crucial for human life. Their water is used in irrigation and for drinking, and they maintain the moisture of the earth. Rivers have been contributing a lot to transportation as well. Even till mid-19th century, people would take a ship or boat if they were to go to Kolkata from Kanpur, Banaras or Patna. Perhaps this is one of the reasons big cities are situated on the banks of rivers.

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